Wednesday 16 December 2020

My optical Illusion from slj.

I tried making an illusion but this turned out to be something else XD.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

My Practice Activity For The Summer Learning Journey Programme


This my visual art from summer learning journey programme. I chose this because it looks cool and it represent tsunami.

Monday 23 November 2020

Text Analysis

We are learning to analyse texts and look at how authors create mood and atmosphere by using language features. Here is a screencast I  created with Aryan of our analysis of the text North Korea Unveil huge Missile. 

Zoo Trip

 Zoo Trip

It was a cloudy Wednesday, my whole school is getting ready for the zoo trip, Sheona did the role and she gave us our notepad and name tag. She also gave us water and lunch, first we lined up and then we saw 8 busses, then in a blink of my eye I saw room 2 going then it was our turn to get in the next bus, It was cool, I sat next to Aryan, after about 30 minutes of driving we made it to the Zoo there we saw another 2 school, but my school has more classes  then the other schools, a staff told us to go and sit down.

First the staff explained everything, first I got my raincoat on and then I went with the rest of the group, my group leader was Eliza. She was Jasmine's mother, We went to see the Giraffe, Ostrich , and Zebra. The Giraffe had tall necks it can reach the sky, while the Zebra had black and white stripes, and finally the Ostrich the biggest bird in the whole wide world, next we went to see the fat elephants they have a big horn that can swipe us all, the flamingo was cute but don't fell for its a trap there beak can hurt, next Meerkats there was big as a wild cat but of course not tigers.

Tortoise was cute but nothing more can beat the love of lovebirds. Then we had a break. We ate strawberries, pie , and doughnuts. Now it was time to go to South America there me and Aryan saw the staff feeding the spider monkey they had four fingers that help them climb the tall trees, then me and the rest of the group went to see the tarantulas the tarantula had 8 legs but we didn’t FIND THEM!. Then we saw more amazing animals, then until it was time to go back, I went to see the South East Asia animals before we left. They were awesome, then the final goodbye was awesome.

Monday 16 November 2020

Monday 9 November 2020

Wednesday 4 November 2020